Legion TD Mega 3.35 (beta8).w3x

Build towers to defend your team's King from attackers.
Each level, your towers become units and fight for you.
Harvest lumber with workers. Use lumber to buy summons to attack the other team and
increase your income. Lumber can also be used to upgrade your team's King's stats.
Defeat the enemy King to win.
--- Game Mode ----
-ap : All Pick - All players can pick any race.
-ar : All Random - All players are given a random race.
-sd : Single Draft - All players are given 2 random races to choose.
-hp : Host Pick - host pick a race, every given same race as host.

-mm : Master Mind - Restricted vision on enemy's map and information.
-hg : Hour Glass - Receive gold for enemy leaks (that reach the King).
-gg : Get Gold - Receive gold from kills at middle (near king).
-cb : Change Builder - You can pay to change to a new builder.
-nm : No Middle - Creeps that reach the dark grass give no gold when killed.
-li : Limit Incomer - Pure income is disabled untill lvl10+.
-X3 : 3 Time - more creeps spawn

Combined mode (make mode shorter for Hostbot or player)
-gm = gg + mm
-gc = gg +cb
-gl = gg +li
-cl = cb +li
(hg & x3 is default, don't need to type)

Update new version: Legion TD Mega 3.5 (B3).w3x


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