Fire & Ice v0.75d - FnIv0.75d.w3x

1. Map Info
The map is all about defense / survival divided in Ice Legion and Fire Legion and the main objective is to prevent the enemy creeps to leave the legion.

2. Features
Pick your hero, buy items and defend your circle , kill the enemy creeps as fast as you can for get to the next wave faster and win the game. Be fast, be strong.

3. Available Commands
-easy (75% Hit Points -30% attack -2 armor)
-normal (100% Hit Points)
-hard (125% Hit Points +30% attack +2 armor)

No mode (All Pick)
-ar (All Random)

-random (Random Hero)
-repick [Repick Hero(-ar mode only)]

-ms (Movement speed of the Hero)
-ma (Match up)
-clear (Clear Screen)



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