Map dota v6.73c lod v2 download

LoD DotA - is a modification map DotA (by IceFrog). The meaning remains the same - "to protect their ancestors', but little in other ways, or let's say skill. You will choose your characters skills from the original DotA, skills associated with the original characters that you can easily find the right skill.

Changelog v2:
Ah yes, the map is now in English this means that the description of the case. 

Modes in v2: 
Game modes: 

Additional modes:
-d2 (mod only works with "sd") Provides a choice of 20 characters.
-d3 (only works with the mod "sd") Provides a choice of 30 characters.
-s5 (not working with the mod s6) Adds to the usual four skill has a skill (not ultra).
-s6 (does not work with the mod s5) Adds to the usual four skill skill has two normal + Remote Control.
-fn Fast Neutrals
When the peak-ss in the table are visible skills of opponents.
-ab Anti Backdoor
-ul Unlimited Level

All found bugs write here.

Download: DotA v6.73c LoD v2c.w3x


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