Angel Arena Allstars 1.69f.w3x

Map Angel Arena Allstars 1.69f by youkaiz
Team hero arena, select over 90 heros and fight.
Fix to Warcraft III 1.24+

Team hero arena, select over 90 heros and fight. Kill thousands of creeps, level up as fast as you can, buy legendary items, fight powerfull bosses, make some quests, increase you power and destroy your enemy to win the Angel Arena Tournament.

Changes v1.69f:
Fix Fatal Errors(crashs)
Increase Chaos stats.
Add bountry to Chaos kills.
Increase stats price(from 250 each to 1k each)
Increase Defense System(Rockets) attack and price.(attack cooldown from 2 sec to 1 sec and cost from 500 to 1.250)
Now can fusion 2 Defense system lvl 3 to get an Infernal Fist.
Decrease Infernal Fist attack cooldown from 2 sec to 0.5 sec.
Add 3 levels to infernal fist(increase attack each level)
Warlock Staff, changed itens reciƩ and add 5 levels:
Warlock Staff = 2 Magic Stone+Mana Aura+Hammer of Pain
To increase warlock staff level buy more hammer of pain.
Add a new items:
Holy Blade = King's Blade+Holy Warfare
Divine Protection = Guardian Force+God's Diamond+Scale Armor


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