Naruto World Wars 3.6.0 - NWW-3.6.0.w3x

Map Naruto World Wars 3.6.0 - NWW-3.6.0.w3x download is new AoS map which follows story of manga/anime Naruto Shippuden.Center of story is 4th shinobi war, Kabuto has revived all shinobies that have died in series and with Uciha Madara he is praparing to invade Konoha and start 4th shinobi war.You can decide which side is going to win. 

List Shinobi

Shop item

Susanoo of itachi and mangekyu sharingan

Uchiha Madara

Gaara vĂ  bottle rune regeneration

Thank You for playing Naruto World Wars. 

You can chose from following mods:
-ap(All Pick-Means that you can chose any hero)
-apem(All Pick Easy Mode-Means that you can chose any hero,your are getting xp faster and towers are weaker)
-appm(All Pick Pro Mode-Means that you can also chose any hero but game play is oposite of easy mode)
-ar(all random)
-arem(all random easy mode)
-arpm(all random pro mode)
-nr(No Runes-Means that runes which can ordinary be found in river wont apear)

For now you can chose from 40 different heroes with realistic and balanced skills.

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