Enfo FFB - OB7.w3x

Map Enfo's FFB Edition OB7 by Strikest, Swedish_Buddha, Magto

A more advanced and harder version of the classic Enfo maps. Created by clan FFB.
Released on 28th Sep, 2012..
Changelogs Open Beta 7:
Released two new heroes - Blood Fiend and Fleshless Horror.
Fragarach will now work properly.
Venom stance will now work properly.
The multiboard will now work properly.
Terror can now properly be dispelled.
Terrain has been updated.
More spells are now preloaded - meaning less lag for those with lesser computers.
Increased proc chance of Predator's Lingering Shadow.
Decreased cooldown of Predator's Shadowstep.
Reduced early mana cost and drain of Mentalist's Perfect Focus
Comradeship should now work properly.
Cleric's resurrection spells should now work properly.
Some creeps now have backstab - allowing them to deal double damage from behind.
Predator had his attack speed increased.


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