Introduction Version Switcher is a tool that allows you to change your Warcraft III version, for example to watch old replays or to play on platforms that don't use the latest patch. This is a super compact (<7 MB), open source (written in C#) Version Switcher, which allows you to switch to any of the following Warcraft III versions: 1.20e, 1.21a, 1.22a, 1.23a, 1.24a, 1.24b, 1.24c, 1.24d, 1.24e, 1.25a, 1.25b, 1.26a. This switcher is designed for Microsoft Windows and won't work on other operating systems. To run it, you might need to install .NET Framework 3.5 , but it will probably be already included in your system. Important Before you download this program, make sure you have a legal copy of Warcraft III, The Frozen Throne patched to the latest version (1.26a). If you do not have the latest patch, connect to Battlenet to autoupdate. Notice: the Switcher doesn't contain any files copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment. If you do not have a properly install...